Monday, December 21, 2009

Ethical Travel

Ahhh the allure of packing your bags, hopping on a plane and exploring a far-off exotic land.
But wait! Between the carbon footprint of the flight, the questionable humans rights policies of your destination and the unlawful environmental practices...where is one to go?
Fear not, below is a list of the top ten destinations of 2010 (alphabetical order) where one can escape without the guilt tagging along.

1. Argentina 2. Belize 3. Chile 4. Ghana 5. Lithuania 6. Namibia 7. Poland

8. Seychelles 9. South Africa 10. Suriname

The list was compiled by the Ethical Traveler (, which lists the 10 countries in the developing world that are best protecting their natural environments, promoting responsible travel, and building a tourism industry which provides real benefits to local communities.


Abi Slone said...

you are a smarty! love the blog. see you soon.

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